Tuesday, September 6, 2011

7 1/2 Lifelong Learning Habits

My family always jokes that I should just stay in school forever. I'm going on my seventh straight year of higher education since I began undergrad. I love learning (just as much as I dislike working?) and going to class to learn about a subject I'm interested is a privilege. Listening to the 7 1/2 Lifelong Learning Habits helped me admit, once again, that although I love to learn, I can be resistant to the conventional student role. The habit I think is easiest for me is accepting responsibility for my own learning. I know how I learn best and I like to shape my role as a student to get the most out of any lesson in life. The most difficult habit for me is viewing problems as challenges. I think of problems often as crises and fail to remember that they may be learning opportunities. I can get frustrated easily.

1 comment:

  1. Had to laugh - I hear that joke from my family all the time, too! Hooray for lifelong learning! I was always the nerdy kid that loved when school started, and I guess I still am.
